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Sole Sisters Running/Walking Club

The Full Story

It’s that time again - we are getting ready to tie our sneakers and train for a 5k! Sole Sisters is a free grade 3-5 after-school program for girls. It is designed to allow every girl to learn to recognize her inner strength. We meet on Mondays and Wednesdays after school until 4:45.  We utilize a couch-to-5K program and the girls complete a 5K at the end. We are super excited this year because the 5k will take place BEFORE summer break but still on the weekend, on May 18th. This year, practice will start on March 5th and go through May 14th! Sign up using the links below! The rules and expectations can also be found on this page! Want to run the 5k as a community member or help sponsor? More information can be found below! Don't forget to double-knot your sneakers!

Sole Sister 5K Race Links

The Sole Sisters 5k will be on May 18! This run is a fun run for participants interested in supporting the CWLS PTO and Winchester Trail Elementary Sole Sisters running club.
This club promotes healthy living and is for young ladies who are committed to having a positive attitude and a willingness to work hard. 
The run will begin at the CW High School Football Stadium and runners MUST be checked in by 8:45 am. The run will begin promptly at 9:00 am.

Copy of Sole Sisters Fundraising Flyer (Instagram Post (Square)) (2).png

Do you want to help support this awesome program? Sponsors will be advertised on the back of the race shirts!  These t-shirts will be worn at the 5K the Sole Sisters are training to participate in. For a minimum of a $100 donation, your business name will appear on the back these t-shirts and on our social media accounts! To be included on the shirt, you must donate by noon on May 1!


On behalf of the Sole Sisters Fitness Club, Coach Pifer is shouting THANK YOU to the fantastic and generous businesses, families, and individuals who have already donated to our program. We are so thankful for each and every one of you!

Want to run in this fun 5k? Help support our program and run with our WTES Sole Sisters! 


Girls participating in the program do not need to register online for the race!


More info coming soon!

Sole Sister Program Links

WTES Student Sole Sisters Sign Ups

Students grades 3-5 click the link to sign up for Sole Sisters Club!

Staff Volunteer Sign Ups

Are you a CW staff member who would like to volunteer? Click the button below to sign up!

High School / Middle School Volunteer Sign Ups

Are you a CWHS or CWMS student who would like to volunteer? Click the button below to sign up!

Parent/ Family Volunteer Sign Up

Are you a running buddy of a WTES Sole Sister and you would like to volunteer? Click the button below to sign up! Running buddies can be any female role model for our students (moms, aunts, grandmas, neighbors, cousins, etc.)

Sole Sisters Expectations and Rules

1.  You must have running shoes and a water bottle at every practice (If shoes are forgotten, no calls home will be permitted).
2.  You must attend practice every Monday and Wednesday for the duration of the program, March 5 - May 14.  Four missed practices will result in your dismissal from the program. (excused absences from school do not count as missed practice)
3. You must come with a positive attitude and a willingness to work hard.  Inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the program.
4. You must have a parent or guardian pick you up at the elementary at 4:45.  After the second late pickup (past 5:00), you will not be permitted to complete the program.

Sole Sisters Tips

  • Bring a healthy snack.

  • If possible, wear your running clothes to school to prevent lost time and overcrowded restrooms.

  • Bring your running shoes in a separate bag.

  • If there is no school, there will be no practice. 

  • Bring your running buddy to practices if they are available. Running buddies who wish to volunteer - please sign up on the google form!

Need more information?

Email one of the head coaches!

Molly Pifer (

Macala Heffelfinger (
Nicole Weyer (

Audrey Burris (
Kristi Bryll ( 

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